
Cell phones, do you really want to be available all the time?

Do you really want to be available for anyone and everyone on a 24/7 basis?  What do I mean?  A famous person once said that the more available you make yourself; the more available everyone will expect you to be. People will actually be annoyed if you are not instantly and constantly available rather than being pleased when you do call. People expecting you to be available all the time may be annoying.  Cell phone calls follow you everywhere you are including your bathroom.  Even during nighttime when you want to rest, cell phones continue to ring and annoy you.  If it is important, no problem but if it is very menial, why you need to be bothered so late.

Today in this modern society, we live in and the proliferation of cell phones we see people talking anywhere and everywhere.  If used for business, this may prove to be very effective and worthy.  However, for very menial issues being bothered in your sleep and even during your bathroom time may be quite annoying if not outright disgusting.  However, if you make yourself available all the time, you created your own nightmare.

Cell phone etiquette is getting to be a forgotten concept.  You will see people talking on the phone loudly and disturbs people nearby in restaurants and even in offices.  I am sure by now, once or twice in a meeting you will notice that when a cell phone rings, almost everyone around will immediately look for their cell phones.  If you were the one talking, and then the person in front of you talks on his phone, how would you feel?  I am sure you will feel belittled and ignored.  Rude practice, and should be changed.

It may help people who use cell phones to follow certain degree of etiquette with respect to the use of cell phones specially in places where you may seem rude if you use or even when your cell phone rings.

When you are in a place of worship, it may be necessary to leave your cell phone in the house or at least turn it off if you do not want to be away with it.  This is because ringing cell phone will not just disturb you while you pray it will also disturb others.  You do not need to show off your expensive gadget in a place of worship.

During meetings, please turn off your cell phone; it is rude to have your phone ringing while somebody speaks.  Disruption may cause problems especially when the meeting tackles extremely important issues.  However, if you are waiting for terribly important call, you may use the vibrate mode of your cell phone to alert you when a call is in-coming and leave the meeting if you need to answer the call.  You may also inform the possible caller that you are in a meeting and that you cannot be disturbed.

When traveling and if you are on-board an aircraft, you will be required to turn off your phone.  This is because electronics devices may interfere with the aircraft’s avionics.  Thus, it is a requirement to turn of your phone for safety reasons.  However, for extremely long flights, airline companies allow cell phone usage at a certain time, if you really need to make a phone call, use this time allotted if necessary.

Cell phone have become to be a necessity nowadays, that is why most people use it and cell phone manufacturers have continuously develop different usage and functions for this very small gadget. Be globally competitive, but you should understand that being rude is not part of modernity.  Follow certain degree of etiquette; this will be very helpful to you and your business.

Secrets To Dating Younger Women - The Bullet Proof Seduction Programs

The Bullet Proof Seduction Programs

A **Secret** New Discovery Gets You ANY Younger Woman You Want. When I Used It, What I Saw I Could Not Believe. Nor Will You.

"Exposed! World's BEST Seduction Masters Finally Breaks Their *Code Of Silence* And Reveal How YOU Can Easily Approach, Date & Get ANY Woman Who Is 5, 10, Even 30 Years Younger... Without Rejection!"

This is a GIGANTIC program jam-packed with the main manual (over 230+ pages!) and 11+ hours of CD-audio recordings with not, 1, not 5, but 14 of the most respected and charismatic dating coaches in the world!

Here's a partial sample of the breakthrough techniques you'll learn in this program:

  • The 3 biggest insecurities younger women have around sex… and how to make a woman feel totally comfortable and excited about having sex with YOU (instead of having that icky feeling she's sleeping with a sleazy old man no woman wants).
  • Your biggest "advantage" over those younger guys who are competing for her affections is your AGE and MATURITY… and I’ll show you how to use this to build up intense feelings of sexual tension with a woman inside and outside the bedroom… and then give her a mind-blowing experience she will remember FOREVER
  • The 8 BIGGEST mistakes older men that instantly TURNS WOMEN OFF, and makes a woman nervous about being "together" with you (You will cringe when you hear it because you’ve probably made these mistakes yourself)
  • How to "impress" let a woman know that YOU know more about her body than SHE does… and make her want you to PROVE IT to you (This method is killer as she'll learn to respect and give herself ENTIRELY to you)
  • The 6 things you should do when a woman says “You're too old for me” that turns the tables and gets her to BEG you to keep going (the best part is that they'll silently want you EVEN MORE when you do this…)
  • How to replace the “Boy Psychology” that controls your actions with “Man Psychology”… so you're stay congruent with what REAL MEN are like without even thinking about it (whether it's passing small 'test' remarks she throws at you, or playing mind games, you'll learn how to INSTINCTIVELY do the best thing)
  • The 3 elements of a mature and powerful masculine self image, and how to develop them (The key to charisma and charm is in these 3 things… and you'll learn how to develop them in DAYS, not years…). When you know these, attracting younger women will be a piece of cake!
  • How to use the little-known "POI" triangle technique to leverage on HER friends to "sell" YOURSELF to her with little or NO effort on your part (this one trick alone is worth the price of the entire program!)
  • The 5 biggest mistake guys make to KILL their chances of being seen as “relationship material” with a woman at the VERY BEGINNING and end up helpless as her ‘friend’ (here you’ll learn exactly how to OVERCOME it and make her want YOU as her boyfriend).
  • An ingenious 5-step "date formula” that GUARANTEES a woman a sensual, "sexy" time with you (Most guys mess this up and never end up seeing the girl again…)
  • There are only 6 reasons why younger women will sometimes have “one night stands” and sleep with a man quickly (Once you know them, you can use these secrets to get a woman into bed the same night you meet her)
  • ... and much more!

You are going to get ideas and examples for every single situation you will ever find yourself in with a younger woman. Packed to the brim with the meanest, most cutting-edge material on you'll ever see, what you'll uncover will easily put you LIGHT YEARS ahead of the game.

To the point where you can...

Instantly Capture The Attention Of ANY Younger Woman & Arouse Her Sexual Desires On A PRIMAL Level!

This is not a joke, a scam, or any type of exaggeration.

By now you should know that women don’t make decisions based on LOGIC. No way.

Women make decisions based on their hidden emotional drives and desires… and then they RATIONALIZE them with their logical mind.

And that’s where the skill of putting yourself in THEIR shoes, learning to think and FEEL like a them now comes into play. Once you’re in their “emotional and mental state”, the "ah-ha!" moment you've been desperately searching for all this while will come to you ALMOST INSTANTLY.

In the Secrets To Dating Younger Women program, I’m going to walk you through a set of simple, step-by-step exercises that will allow you to master this particular skill and then start USING it to create a smooth, seductive, IRRESISTIBLE charm no woman can resist...

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